Functional Programming in Java

Functional Programming is a BuzzWord in recent times. Many programming languages like Python, JavaScript, Scala and many more were already having quite good support of this paradigm.

Java started giving some respect to Functions from Java 8 onwards where Java came with Lambda Expressions.

Functional programming is like declarative programming rather than the execution of a sequence of commands in the imperative style of languages like C/C++, Java itself. Using Functions as first-class citizens the programs become more concise and expressive.

If you have ever worked in SQL where we write a statement

Select DeptName, Sum(Salary) from DEPT_TABLE groupBy DeptName having Sum(Salary) > 1000;

See how the declarative language is more expressive and concise like plain English and even a business user can understand what is going on.

Functional programming makes it possible by executing the set of Functions one after another.

This is just a short introduction to Functional programming in this Detailed blog we will try to explore Functional programming in great detail, that too in Java. so Stay tuned. You may Follow the Index below to read the complete blog where we have used a lot of Code, Examples, Theory, and graphics to explain the functional programming.